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The information and research source for Missouri state government employees

Professional Development for State Employees

Communicate Your Research

What to do next?

Once a conclusion(s) has been reached, one possibility is to publish the results. Sharing information advances our understanding of any given topic. It can also be a public accounting; for say, what a research grant was used for. However, "no single study--whether it rejects or retains some null hypothesis--is sufficient to declare a problem solved" (Experiments in Ecology : Their Logical Design and Interpretation Using Analysis of Variance).

What follows is information on tools that can help organize and share your research.

Or go to step "Refine/Expand, Repeat."

Free Research Management Tools and Research Networking Platforms

State Publications Access Program

The State Publications Access Program, established in 181.100-181.110 RSMo, requires all Missouri state agencies to:

Please attach reports to e-mail and send to

Or send an e-mail with the URL to Please include the publication's URL and title, name and contact information of submitter, and department/division producing the publication in the body of the e-mail.

Large files can also be uploaded to our ShareFile account.

Please send five paper copies of selected reports through interagency mail to:

Missouri State Library, Reference Services, 600 W. Main St. Jefferson City, MO 65101

Paper copies are distributed among the Missouri State Archives, the State Historical Society of Missouri, and the Library of Congress in Washington, DC. View the Missouri State Library's print collection of Missouri State Government Documents in our online catalog. To find historical Missouri state documents, please contact the Missouri State Archives.

Each state agency assigns one or more employees as its designees to send selected state documents to the Missouri State Library. Designees are sent a list of publications that the library needs from their department or division. For more information, please contact us at or 573.751.3615.

Digital reports are added to the library's Internet Archive collection for public access. The collection includes annual, financial, statistical, policy, legislative, commission reports and strategic plans from Missouri state agencies. The collection generally does not include newsletters, brochures, pamphlets, applications, posters, bulletins or news releases. These categories are general and not comprehensive.

The Reference Services division of the Missouri State Library administers the State Publications Access Program. Please contact the Government Documents Librarian with questions at: or 573.751.3615.

Refine/Expand, Repeat

But this is not the end-point of the research. Now, you may need to revisit your research problem in the context of your findings. Does your previous approach need to be refined? If so, to make more general or more specific? Do more strategies to enhance trustworthiness and rigor need to be adopted?

"Trustworthiness is the term used to describe the soundness or accuracy of a study, and the truth-value or believability of the findings. Rigor is the ability to refer to alternative or competing explanations, and account for irregularities in data" (Reflection on the Methodological Aspects of a Critical Ethnographic Approach used to Inform Change for Adolescents with Disabilities).

You might also investigate the implications of your work and identify new problems.

Regardless, the process then begins anew . . .